Getting Started with Little Rock's Data Hub
New to datasets? Never made a bar chart before? Or just want to
learn how to interact with this platform? Welcome! We’re glad you are here. In
the Data Hub you will find a variety of assets designed to communicate how the
City uses data in everyday decisions, how that data has improved our
performance, and the data itself. This guide will detail the different
components of the site so you can find and understand what is most important to
you. You can also watch this video: Data Hub Video Tour
At the top of the homepage, you see the Data Apps menu: Citizen
Connect, Performance Measures, Mapping Applications and Data Catalog can be found here. Under
Additional Resources, you can find City Data Sources, Outside Data Sources,
Socrata Knowledge Base, Socrata Video Tutorials and Socrata Developer
1. Data Catalog: This is a catalog of all available public City of Little Rock data. Here you can download the data in several formats, create charts and maps, and see basic information, the metadata, about each dataset.
Search the Data Catalog
Once you're in the Data Catalog, you can (1) search for a specific dataset using keywords like "building permits," "business license," or "code violation" or (2) filter by one of six categories: Safe City, Economic Development, Basic City Services, Infrastructure, Quality of Life and High Performing Government. Clicking on a dataset will take you the the dataset's primer page, which you can learn more about in the next section!
Dataset Primer Page
Each dataset has what we call a "primer" page that contains specific information about that dataset, called "metadata." This includes (1) the title and description and a (2) button to view the data, download the data or visualize the data. You can also see when the data was last updated (3) how often the data is updated and what each row of data represents; and (4) column descriptions. These video tutorials will help get you started with filters, bar charts and more!
2. Citizen Connect: This is an interactive map that allows you to see what incidents have occurred in your neighborhood or near your work.
Incident Information
(1) Enter your address in the search bar to see service request activity around your home. (2) You can create an alert to notify when you when an incident has occurred in your neighborhood. (3) This panel on the right gives you more information about the selected incident type. (4) You can filter the map by a specified date range here or (5) you can filter by specific incident types here, grouped by parent category. You can also download just the selected data of your choice here.
Aggregate Maps & Boundaries
Under (1) Map Options, you have the ability to (2) add/change the boundaries (3) aggregate the data to create either a heat map shown below or a choropleth map which aggregates the data to the chosen boundaries and color codes it based on number of requests. These are all additional ways to customize the maps and see the trends that are important to you!
3. Performance: This is our performance dashboard where we track key performance indicators that align with the City's priorities: Safe City, Economic Development, Basic City Services, Infrastructure, Quality of Life and High Performing Government. There are two main parts to the performance dashboard:
Story Pages
After clicking one of the priority categories (1), you are taken to what we call the story page. On this page (second image), you will find individual data stories. For example, on the Economic Development priority page there are different measures that contribute to this (1) category. In order to give you the most robust picture of our performance, there may be several different data points to consider. Once you click "Read More" (2) on the individual story page, you are taken to the measures page.
Measure Pages
Each measure has 3 key parts: (1) What we are measuring? explains more about that we are simply measuring this metric (2) Why are we measuring this? explains why it is important for the City to track this type information (3) How are we doing? shows the metric we are using. Not all measures have an associated goal at this time with a target, but more of those will be added to the site, so stay tuned!